It seems likely that the Clean Air Act similarly has displaced the federal common law pertaining to interstate air pollution. 《洁净空气法案》似乎也有可能取代有关州际空气污染的联邦普通法。
They conceived of the area of contribution as one for development of a federal common law. 他们把分配区域设想为联邦普通法发展的区域。
A federal common law of nuisance was formerly developed and applied by federal courts in cases of interstate air and water pollution. 联邦普通公害法先前是由联邦法院处理州际的空气与水污染时被提出和运用的。
Prior to1986, there was a division among the courts regarding whether the possible joint and several liability of CERCLA defendants was a matter of federal or state common law. 1986年以前,就被告人的可能连带责任是属于联邦普通法范畴还是属于州普通法范畴这一问题,法院的看法是有区分的。
We also should be concerned about the related institutions of impeachment evidence, in addition to the specific provisions of "the Federal Rules of Evidence" and Common Law, when investigating that of the U.S rules. 在考察美国弹劾证据使用规则时,除了关注《联邦证据规则》以及普通法的一些具体规定外,还要注意弹劾证据存在的相关配套基础。